Orientation Programs and Dates

Orientation Programs and Dates

Various orientation programs are presented depending on whether you are admitted to the fall term, spring term or summer term. This page is Summer Orientation for fall term admitted students. Looking for spring or summer term orientation, click the link below:

Transfer Orientation

Transfer Orientation is for students admitted to the fall term. Transfer students can complete orientation virtually during any of the three June/July sessions, or can choose to attend in-person during the third session. Students who select to attend in-person during the third session will stay on campus. Orientation activities will take place in-person and online. All required components of the orientation program will still take place virtually.

If you cannot participate in a June/July session, a virtual August session is offered before classes begin. You only need to participate in one orientation session (either a June/July or virtual August session).

All orientation sessions provide robust programming for incoming students, including the opportunity to receive information about campus resources, organizations, interact with fellow UT Austin students and prepare for course registration. 

All students will also have the chance to connect with campus and students in-person at Longhorn Welcome.


Transfer Orientation 2025

SessionDatesColleges/Schools Participating
Session 1 (VIRTUAL)June 30-July 1, 2025School of Architecture, Moody College of Communication, College of Liberal Arts,
Session 2 (VIRTUAL)July 10-11, 2025McCombs School of Business, Moody College of Communication, College of Education, Cockrell School of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, College of Liberal Arts,
Session 3 (HYBRID)July 17-18, 2025McCombs School of Business, Moody College of Communication, College of Education, Cockrell School of Engineering, College of Fine Arts, Jackson School of Geosciences, School of Information, College of Liberal Arts, College of Natural Science, Steve Hicks School of Social Work


Registration for June/July transfer orientation opens in Spring of 2025 depending on your college or school.  The list of specific orientation registration opening days for each college or school can be found on the Registration page. Orientation seats are limited by college and school so students will have an equal opportunity to attempt to secure a seat, regardless of which day registration opens. Try to register early, as sessions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. View the schedule below to see which colleges and schools will be available during each orientation session. 

 You will need to go to the registration system to see which sessions still have available space. Registration for each orientation session closes at 11:59 p.m. CST 11 days prior to the start of each session.

August Orientation 

August Orientation registration will take place in Summer 2025.

August Orientation is for students admitted to the fall term who were unable to participate in a June/July orientation session and will be hosted virtually. All colleges participate in the August Orientation, and students will still be able to interact with their college academic advisor and register for classes consistent with June/July sessions. While August Orientation will be conducted completely online, students will have the chance to connect with campus and students at Longhorn Welcome.

If all June/July orientation sessions are closed or full for your college, you will automatically see the option to register for August Orientation within the registration portal. Please note: All students may not see the option to register for August Orientation simultaneously as it is dependent on their specific college reaching capacity. August Orientation registration will open when all June and July sessions for a college are full or have passed.