Summer Term Orientation is for students admitted to begin at UT Austin in summer academic term. Students attending Summer Term Session 1 beginning June 6, Session 2 beginning July 15, or both are required to participate in Summer Term Orientation in order to register for classes.
Registration for Summer Term Orientation will open March 20. More information on how to register can be found here for incoming freshman and here for transfer students.
Registration will close on May 19 at 11:59 PM. Students are encouraged to register as soon as they have accepted their offer of admission to prevent any delays in completion of their orientation requirements.
Costs, Payments, and Cancellation
After you complete the registration form, your orientation seat is reserved. YOUR ORIENTATION REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. You will be automatically dropped from your session if payment is not received by 11:59 PM CT the day you register. Go to What I Owe to pay via credit card or eCheck.
You must cancel by May 19 at 11:59 PM to receive a refund. You will receive a refund check in the mail within two to four weeks of cancellation. If you do not cancel by the required cancellation deadline, you will not receive a refund.
If you’ve decided not to attend UT Austin, you will need to formally cancel your admission, and you will need to also cancel your orientation. Your orientation will NOT be automatically canceled if you cancel your admission. You will still be liable for any outstanding balance if you do not cancel your orientation by your orientation’s cancellation deadline.
Orientation will include self-guided informational Canvas modules and a virtual interaction with your college or school for academic information and advising.
The Canvas modules will become available May 20 to the students who have registered for Summer Term Orientation. Students who register after this date will be able to access the Canvas modules once they have completed registration and received a confirmation email.
Once students have completed the Canvas modules, they can schedule an academic advising appointment with their college or school. Information on how to contact an academic advisor for your college will be shared within Canvas modules.
Students are also invited to attend an optional in-person event on Tuesday, June 4. This event will consist of a small group meeting to learn about campus life, a campus tour, and evening social programs. Students interested in attending this event can register via their confirmation email or Canvas modules. A more detailed schedule will be provided closer to the date. This event is at no additional cost for Summer Term Orientation registrants.